2013.7.30 いつも弊社webサイトをご覧いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
【メール内容】 -------------------------------------------------------
差出人: EM Research Organization(acoxecallcarpenter@live.com)
件名: Requested Quotation
Compliments of the Season to you and your management.
Sorry for my late response as I was out of office.
My Company wants make some Large importation of your products,
We kindly wish to inform you that your company has been chosen
to be our choice supplier come August 2013.
Kindly respond to the details and all relevant information regarding
our requested purchase order.
Ahmadinejad Khamenei
Sales Manager
EM Research Organization, Inc.
Address : 1478 Kishaba, Kitanakagusuku-Son, Nakagami-Gun,
Okinawa 901-2311, Japan
Telephone : +81-98-935-0205 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
+81-98-935-0205 無 料 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax : +81-98-935-0202