- Bagasse as a possible substrate for Pleurotus ostreatus (Fr.) Kummer cultivation for the local mushroom farms in the northeast of Thailand.
- Vetayasuporn, S., Chutichudet, P., and Cho-Ruk, K.
- Development of biological control of Ralstonia solanacearum through antagonistic microbial populations.
- Lwin, M., and Ranamukhaarachchi, S.
- Effects of biological and chemical fertiliser on growth and yield of glutionous corn production.
- Vetayasuporn, S.
- Effects of integrated use of organic and inorganic nutrient sources with effective microorganisms (EM) on seed cotton yield in Pakistan.
- Khaliq, A., Abbasi, M.K., and Hussain, T.
- Foliar application of effective microorganisms on pea as an alternative fertilizer.
- Javaid, A.
- Growth of Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. seedlings under the influence of microbial inoculant (Effective Microorganisms).
- Khan, B., Mridha, M., Hossain, M., and Huda, S.
- Growth performance of Cassia fistula L. seedlings as affected by formulated microbial inoculant.
- Khan, B., Hossain, M., and Mridha, M.
- Oyster mushroom cultivation on different cellulosic substrates.
- Vetayasuporn, S.
- Influence of EM Bokashi on nodulation, physiological characters and yield of peanut in nature farming fields.
- Pei-Sheng, Y., and Hui-Lian, X.
- Integrated evaluation of soil quality after the incorporation of organic matter and microorganisms.
- Valarini, P.J., Alvarez, M.C.D., Gascó, J.M., Guerrero, F., and Tokeshi, H.
- Organic and transition bananas: experience with effective microorganisms (EM).
- Tabora, P., Okumoto, S., and Elango, F.
- Total economic development benefits for the application of effective microorganisms technology to shrimp production.
- Aguilar, F.
- Effects of a microbial inoculant, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer on water stress resistance of sweet corn.
- Xu, H.-L.
- Effect of effective microorganisms on composting characteristics of chicken manure.
- Ong, H., Chew, B., and Suhaimi, M.
- Effect of organic fertilizer and effective microorganisms on growth, yield and quality of paddy-rice varieties.
- Iwaishi, S.
- Soil-root interface water potential in sweet corn as affected by organic fertilizer and a microbial inoculant.
- Xu, H.-L.
- Effects of organic fertilizers and a microbial inoculant on leaf photosynthesis and fruit yield and quality of tomato plants.
- Xu, H.-L., Wang, R., and Mridha, M.A.U.
- Effect of a microbial inoculant on stomatal response of maize leaves.
- Xu, H.-L., Wang, X., and Wang, J.
- Growth nodulation and VAM colonization response of Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek to co-inoculation of biopower & effective microorganisms (EM).
- Bajwa, R., Nasir, M., and Javaid, A.
- Phytophthora resistance of organically-fertilized tomato plants.
- Wang, R., Xu, H.-L., and Mridha, M.A.U.
- Properties and applications of an organic fertilizer inoculated with effective microorganisms.
- Yamada, K., and Xu, H.L.
- Use of effective microorganisms to suppress malodors of poultry manure.
- Li, W., and Ni, Y.
- Cotton production through integrated plant nutrition system.
- Ahmed, I., Zia, M.H., and John, A.
- Improvement in biological nitrogen fixation and yield of groundnut by the application of effective microorganisms.
- Iqbal, M., and Jilani, G.
- Use of integrated approaches to manage inferior soil and water resources for rice production.
- Khan, M.I.A., and Zia, M.H.
- Alternatives of mineral nutrient sources to sustain wheat production.
- Zia, M.H., Ahmed, I., Haq, M.A., and Jamil, M.
- An in vitro Antibacterial Activity of Different Effective Microorganism Cultures Against Pathogenic Species.
- Sajjad-ur-Rahman, M.S., Hussain, T., Hussain, S., and Ansar, M.
- EM and VAM technology in Pakistan V: Response of chickpea (Cicer arietwum L.) to co-inoculation with Effective Microorganisms (EM) and VA Mycorriza under allelopathic stress.
- Bajwa, R., Javaid, A., and Haneef, B.
- Influence of “effective microorganisms”(EM) on vegetable production and carbon mineralization−a preliminary investigation.
- Daly, M., and Stewart, D.
- Rice and wheat production in Pakistan with effective microorganisms.
- Hussain, T., Javaid, T., Parr, J., Jilani, G., and Haq, M.
- Utilization of brackish groundwater for crops with EM-technology.
- Zia, M.H., Anwar ul Haq, M., and Ahmed, I.